Reclaim Your Life: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in 7 Weeks

Book Review: Reclaim Your Life: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in 7 Weeks by Carissa Gustafson

All humans at some point in time feel stuck in the cycle of negative thoughts, avoidance, or emotional overwhelm. This is normal. Traumatic experiences are part of life, so the question is not how to avoid them, but how to deal with them.

Reclaim Your Life: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in 7 Weeks by Carissa Gustafson provides a structured roadmap to help break free from these mental loops using the principles of ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

At its core, Reclaim Your Life is a self-help workbook designed to be actionable. Each of the seven weeks introduces key ACT concepts like mindfulness, cognitive separation (the practice of detaching from thoughts), and values-based action. The suggested method is straightforward, with exercises, reflections, and prompts that encourage deep self-reflection.

What I particularly liked is how Gustafson simplifies complex psychological concepts without dumbing them down. For example, instead of just saying, “Don’t fight your emotions,” she provides exercises to help you practice sitting with discomfort—something that sounds simple but is profoundly difficult in real life. The book doesn’t just tell you to change your mindset; it helps you practice the shift, one week at a time.

The book balances theory with practical exercises, which is essential for anyone actually looking to implement these changes rather than just reading about them.

Additionally, it’s great for people who prefer structured self-help. If you struggle with vague, open-ended advice, the week-by-week framework helps create momentum. You don’t need to figure out how to apply ACT on your own—the book does that for you.

Overall, 5 out of 5 book. It clearly can help to process your traumatic experiences, un-stuck and move forward. The practical exercises explained in the book, will help you to deal with a stress better. Highly recommend.

Reading List 2025

The time has come to have a look back on reading during 2024 and create a new list for the upcoming year.

In 2024, I read 10 books with 6 102 pages in total. There was around 3.5% YoY growth in the number of pages in comparison with 2023.

For 2025, I selected following books:

Leadership and new skills

  1. Principles: Life and Work
  2. Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It
  3. Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds
  4. Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
  5. Own the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence
  6. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
  7. The 48 Laws of Power
  8. Made to Stick: Why some ideas take hold and others come unstuck


  1. Connect: Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends, and Colleagues
  2. The Face Of Battle: A Study of Agincourt, Waterloo and the Somme

The Culture Map

Book Review: The Culture Map: Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures by Erin Meyer

In my current team there are people from 10+ different nationalities who speak at least 30 various languages. 95% of them work in a country different from a country where they grew up and studied. Truly, a highly diverse team in terms of cultures and ways of thinking.

So, how do I make sure that such a team operates efficiently? How do I structure my communication, so cross-cultural boundaries are not affecting the actual message I try to deliver? For sure, a modern tech company hires individuals who are aligned with the company culture. This definitely helps. But, even a long tenure in the company will not override a cultural background. At least, this is true for myself.

In The Culture Map, Erin Meyer reveals a structured way to make sense of cultural nuances that often go unnoticed yet impact communication, decision-making, and leadership across global teams. With eight scales covering communication styles, feedback, trust, and more, Meyer provides a toolkit for decoding the hidden “rules” of how people think and work across cultures.

The Culture Map Scales

Communication: High-Context vs. Low-Context
The first of Meyer’s practical insights is understanding communication as either high-context (indirect) or low-context (direct). Do you need to read between the lines or everything is explained directly? In my experience, this distinction explains why some interactions feel so smooth while others seem fraught with misinterpretation.

Feedback Styles: Direct vs. Indirect
Some cultures are comfortable with direct negative feedback, others wrap criticism in layers of positive reinforcement to maintain social harmony. For international teams, the golden rule here is to start with positives before proceeding to a negative one. And never deliver a negative feedback in front of others, do it in 1on1 meeting.

Decision-Making: Consensual vs. Top-Down
Decision-making is another area where cultural expectations can diverge dramatically. In some regions, decision-making is collective, requiring broad consensus, while in others, it’s top-down. The book explains two types of decisions. A “decision” that is made fast in a top-down culture, but then can change fast as well during the execution. Or a “Decision” that is made after long consensus building in a consensual culture and does not change during the execution.

Trust-Building: Task-Based vs. Relationship-Based
We build trust differently. In Task-based cultures, a trust forms around competency and task success. Work relationships are built and dropped easily. You do good work consistently, you are reliable. I trust you.

While in relationship-based cultures, trust builds through social interactions and personal connections. I’ve seen who you are at a deep level. I know others who trust you. I trust you

Persuasion: Principles-First vs. Application-First
We persuade others differently. I was taught in the logic – suggest a thesis, build an argument, counter-argument, then come to a decision. The conceptual principle underlying each situation is important. This is principles-first persuasion. The dominant US-type persuasion culture is opposite – individuals trained to begin with a fact or statement and add concepts to back up the statement. Theoretical or philosophical discussions are avoided in a business environment. This is application-first persuasion.

Practical Takeaways

There is no right or wrong culture. It is just one more aspect that impacts our decision making process. If I know where I am on the culture scales and when my stakeholders are, it helps to build an effective communication. Because we all can adopt different styles per our needs.

So, I analyzed my own behaviour and put myself on a The Culture map scales:

7 Insights From Scandinavia After 7 Years

I moved to Sweden in September 2017 and left the country in July 2024. Here is what I understood after living for 7 years in Scandinavia.

1. Work Life Balance is not a myth

A person can actually have both professional and private lives. The world does not stop and businesses do not collapse if people take 3+ weeks long vacations during summers. Even if I personally was not able to do it. I met many successful professionals who can totally disconnect and forget their laptop password.

2. Social connections and sense of community matters

A social distancing is a norm in Sweden. It is hard to find new friends and build relationships there. People live in an isolated society. And, as a foreigner, it impacts you more than I thought. It does not mean that Scandinavians are not friendly, they very much are. But being friendly and nice to others does not convert to a friendship. Even after seven years, I did not acquire a sense of belonging to the society.

3. Long term planning is a king

Birthdays planned 6 months ahead. Weddings – a year ahead. Construction projects – decades in some cases. Cons – there is no room for spontaneous gatherings, it is not common. Pros – people learn think long term from an early age. And they have a tremendous patience, which is also a by-product of queues for everything and everywhere. When life is stable, the one can plan for the distant future.

4. The annual circle of life

People live in a certain cadence. A year starts and from the middle of January people are looking towards the Easter break (påsk). After that, there are a couple of days off in May, like a segway to a summer. And then, Midsommar as an official kick of a holidays period. July is a time when the country takes a month long break. In September people start Christmas (Jul) preparations which culminates in several Julbords with colleagues, friends and family. And the cycle repeats.

5. Lagom is lagom

Not too good, not to bad. Just the right amount that is enough. Ambitions are good, but a person can settle and enjoy stability. When bonuses are taxed with 57%, what is the point to aspire for more? There is no “get rich or die trying” mentality. It is quite surprising that a proudly egalitarian Scandinavian society is able to produce so many startups and entrepreneurs. Probably, innovations are driven not only by a need and a hunger but by a natural human curiosity and desire to build new things.

6. Sport and being outdoors

In Sweden, I got used to walk a lot and invest time into workouts. When a health-care system has 6 months waiting time for a doctor visit, you have to stay healthy pro-actively. And it is affordable, subsidised by employers and integrated into day to day life style of many. This is awesome, thank you, Scandinavia!

7. Flat Organizational Hierarchies

Swedes challenges their bosses without hesitation. Sometimes, I even felt uncomfortable with that. Titles may not matter much. I witnessed situations when oversee colleagues could not comprehend why an opinion of a person with “QA Engineer” business title is important. Swedish workplaces often have flat organizational structures, meaning there is less emphasis on hierarchy and more on teamwork and collaboration. And, of course, Fika!

Let’s see what the next 7 years will bring!

First, Break All The Rules

Book Review: First, Break All The Rules by Gallup

My career as a people manager started several years ago at Amazon. Folks way smarter than I am developed Amazon’s best practices and processes how to lead people. After reading the “First, Break All The Rules” book, I can certainly say that they were inspired by it in many cases.

In the ocean of management literature, this book challenges the “conventional wisdom”. Or how authors define it – widely accepted management practices and beliefs that prioritize uniformity and correcting weaknesses over individual strengths. Authored by Gallup, the book is the culmination of decades of research, summarizing the essence of what makes great managers and what great managers do differently.

One of the book’s most interesting insights for me was its detailed exploration of the twelve questions that gauge the emotional engagement of employees. These questions serve as a practical toolkit for managers, offering an understanding of what drives satisfaction and performance in the workplace. The answers on these 12 questions help a manager to see an employee’s perspective on four key areas: “What do I get?”, “What do I give?”, “Do I belong here?” and “How can we all grow here?”.

The book also provides clear definitions of what is talent vs skill vs knowledge. Talents are defined as naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. Skills are the steps of an activity; these are capabilities that can be learned or acquired through training. Knowledge encompasses the facts and lessons learned, including both factual knowledge (know-what) and experiential knowledge (know-how). This framework helps differentiate the innate abilities (talents) from what can be taught or developed (skills and knowledge), emphasizing the importance of leveraging natural talents in the workplace.

Many ideas and methodologies about employees emotions I found in the book are used in some way of form in modern workplaces. And this is good. I believe that is more effective to identify the few emotions you want your employees to feel and then hold managers accountable for creating these emotions.

Awarding “First, Break All The Rules” a 5 out of 5, I recommend it as an essential read for those who want to dive deep into people managers main job – how to convert talent into performance.

How Generative AI Is Changing The Future Of Work

Report Review: How Generative AI Is Changing The Future Of Work

OliverWyman Forum consultants released 100-page report for Senior and C-level management about how GenAI transforms the modern workforce, society and consumers’ habits. And it is a very exciting reading!

The authors interviewed 15,000 respondents in 16 countries during October-November 2023 and presented the report at Davos 2024 conference. The report provides both high-level picture of GenAI impacts but also go into details into regional, industry and generational differences for the current state of GenAI adoption and potential future.

Apart from the obvious things, like the speed of adoption (17 years it took for Internet to acquire the same amount of users that ChatGPT did in 10 months) and overall optimism of people about AI (96% of respondents of say generative AI can benefit their jobs), there are very interesting insights that were interesting for me to read.

Mass adoption ≠ mass productivity

The dramatic uptake in generative AI has been useful for many but hasn’t yet resulted in significant productivity gains across the board. Why?

Authors suggest that we may face what is called the productivity paradox (also the Solow computer paradox). It is the peculiar observation made in business process analysis that, as more investment is made in information technology, worker productivity may go down instead of up. This observation has been firmly supported with empirical evidence from the 1970s to the early 1990s.

Workforce pyramid disruption

While it is clear by now that entry-level jobs will be affected the most with GenAI adoption, there will be an another effect as well. As generative AI replaces some front-line roles, it will disrupt the pipeline of manager roles, akin to the “collapse of the middle” in the job pyramid. To simplify, the role of a front-line manager/supervisor may become obsolete as this role could be replaced with former “junior” employees.

Disconnect between employees and employers priorities

There is a clear difference between what employees and employers see what is important to learn today. My opinion on this discrepancy is following – AI adoption will happen as part of companies strategy, so employees will learn it how to use AI anyway. It will be just part of roles descriptions. But analytical and creative thinking is way harder to master than prompt engineering.

The Shorter MBA

Book Review: The Shorter MBA by Niel Thomas

I decided to read this book to understand a usual scope of a MBA course. Probably, when the first edition of this book was published, it was relevant but not anymore. Most of the information in the book is outdated. Approaches of people management and self development have changed, marketing strategy has evolved. The world is simply different now.

The book has a good structure but the content does not go into details and examples provided by the author are not applicable in a modern business environment. The strongest part of the book, from my perspective, is financial analysis. Maybe, the book could be more useful for a person who is just starting their career and requires basic knowledge about business operations. For everybody else, it will be a lot of repetitive things that a business manager sees in their day to day professional life.

So, this is the first book that I do not recommend for reading. Overall, 3 out of 5.

Reading List 2024

The time has come to have a look back on reading during 2023 and create a new list for the upcoming year.

In 2023, I read 14 books with 5 837 pages in total. There was around 10% YoY growth in the number of pages in comparison with 2022.

For 2024 I selected 12 books so far and tried to cover following themes:

  • People Management and Performance Management
  • Preparations for GMAT exam and MBA course
  • Networking and relationship building

Leadership and new skills

  1. First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently
  2. High-Performance Coaching for Managers: A Step-by-Step Approach to Increase Employees’ Performance and Productivity
  3. GMAT™ Official Guide
  4. The Shorter MBA
  5. Principles: Life and Work
  6. Connect: Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends, and Colleagues
  7. The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business
  8. Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It
  9. Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds
  10. Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World


  1. The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity
  2. Romanland: Ethnicity and Empire in Byzantium

Guest lecture at Chalmers University

As a great wrap up of the year, myself and Sebastian Lennskog have delivered a guest lecture at Chalmers University, Gothenburg. We spoke about AWS Global Infrastructure and Sustainability to master’s degree students at the university facilities.

This was the second time I was honored to be invited as a guest speaker and I hope to continue this collaboration with Chalmers in 2024.



With this short post, I want to celebrate a completion of the first step towards my MBA degree. I have passed IELTS Academic exam with overall band score 8.0 out of 9.0.

As per official IELTS score system:

This means you’re a “Very Good User”. The test taker has fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. They may misunderstand some things in unfamiliar situations. They handle complex and detailed argumentation well.

I have used the official IELTS 18 exam guide and the practice tests included with it. Overall, the exam for me was more about learning the expectations of the exam itself rather than about knowledge of the English language.

The next step is the GMAT exam.